Stay Healthy with these 5 Ayurvedic Spices to Boost immunity

The immunity system plays out a very crucial role in our body. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.  Which keeps you healthy and disease-free. 

Today in this blog we have come across 5 ayurvedic spices that help in boosting our immunity levels and keep everything intact fit and active. Especially during the Covid-19 time, it seems we use these spices in our daily eating habits to keep ourselves pristine.  

It is also important for the person that they should follow an exercise schedule with a balanced diet to stay healthy.

The 5 Ayurvedic Spices we are talking about​

Garlic is rich in anti-bacterial properties. This is the famous herb that is mostly found in the kitchen of Chinese and Indians, used for cooking vegetables along with pulses and adding flavour to dishes. It will improve your mental health and prevent the risk of heart diseases if consumes regularly.

 It is the small woody plant that aims to boost the immunity level in the body. It is having great effects on boosting 4 different kinds of cells of immune in the body. It also proves fruitful for removing the problem of stress and tension from the body.

It is the common spice which can be easily found at Indian spices wholesalerIt will prove its more effects when it is taken with milk. This spice is having more healing properties according to Ayurveda. It helps in improving the blood flow in the body along with boosting immunity. It is also used to add yellow color in different veggies and pulses.

It is used to decrease the problem of inflammation in the body along with keeping the immune system strong. This herb prevents the problem of nausea and consumption which is a common problem mostly faced by people. It can be added in tea by crushing and mixing them with sugar milk and water. It can be added also at the time of cooking vegetables.

Reduces Constipation. Giloy is one of the common ayurvedic herbs that are used for the treatment of constipation problems. It helps in boosting the immunity in the body. It helps the body to fight against different diseases along with purifying the blood in the body.

Thus these are the different herbs that can be easily found at retailers and you can add them to your daily routine in order to boost immunity level. You will also come across different kinds of Ground Spices that will also play fruitful in boosting the immunity power in the body. One of the best parts of the spices is that they will naturally help the body in boosting the immunity level. It will not create any kind of side effects that proves harmful for the body.

Apart from that, these spices will work better in the areas of constipation, digestion and heart-related problem. With their regular consumption, you will not come across any kind of problem in the future.

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